Decorator ADD

I have Decorating ADD. 
I can't make up my mind. 
I flip flop, and change my mind every other minute. 
Here is my dilemma, The Boy's room, what colors should I go with...

Fun and Different
I love the colors navy, lime green and a pop of orange (the boy's favorite color).
It is eclectic and the headboard is amazing!

pottery barn kids
Traditional and Safe
Here, I like the colors because they are classics
 and will transition well from toddler to boy perfectly.
Plus they work really well with the rest of the house.

pottery barn kids
Fun and Colorful
I love that the bedding has every color of the rainbow in it.
 I love that it is sort of preppy, think Tommy Hilfiger.
And really, how cute are those Kites?

What do you think? 
Which one do you like?
Should I just close my eyes and pick one? 
Or even scarier I could let The Boy choose!



  1. Fun and Different is my choice! His favorite color, your favorite headboard! You can do so much with it! How fun! I can't wait to do my son Oliver's room soon. Although it will be sad to say goodbye to the nursery! xo Samantha
    Vintage is for Lovers

  2. I vote for fun and different! Love the colors and style.

  3. I have learned over the years from decorating and redecorating my kids bedrooms, get them involved! Ask them these questions and then try to find a middle ground that both mom and kid can live with. My daughter wanted a blue and green bedroom but I refused well, because she is my only daughter I thought she should have girlie colors. Trust me when I say I still hear about that mistake many years later!

    Good luck and look forward to seeing your progress.

  4. They are all cute rooms!! I agree with Carrie, get the kids involved. Although I must say it would be scary for me to put orange in a room. I would probably just use it in accent peices and not in the bedding. That way if the favorite color changes in a few months you can just swap out a few pieces. Good luck!!

  5. So I know this is an old post, I am poking around on your blog....but I have to tell you the title alone made me laugh! I am sooo that person too!


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