Advent Calendar

Advent- Latin adventus is the translation of the Greek word parousia, commonly used in reference to the Second Coming of ChristChristians believe that the season of Advent serves a reminder both of the original waiting that was done by the Hebrews for the birth of their Messiah as well as the waiting of Christians for Christ's return. In recent times the commonest observance of Advent outside church circles has been the keeping of an advent calendar or advent candle, with one door being opened in the calendar, or one section of the candle being burned, on each day in December leading up to Christmas Eve.

We use both types of advent calendars at our house. 
We read a passage from the Bible every night that tells the Christmas story. 

We try to remember the real reason we are celebrating and that it is not just about gifts.

That being said we also have a fun advent calendar that incorporates family traditions and Christmas symbolism. 

Scrapbook style Advent calendar
Design by Noeleen at a blog of chocolates
(created by me)
Noeleen is an amazing scrapper and a great friend.

There are tons of different styles to choose from.
Jami at Freckled Laundry made a really cute one from little denim jean pockets.
Click here to go see it and her amazing blog.

What does your family do for Advent?

Linking up at the parties over there -------------->


  1. This is so unique and of course will bring joy and memories to those who get to open each box...

    Take care,

  2. Very cute and different than anything i have seen--thanks for linking up!

  3. I don't know why I never made these for my girls when they were young. Too cute!

  4. Your calendar is adorable. Look at you whipping out all these awesome things. I love the idea of reading a passage from the Bible each night. I need to start that tradition. Thank you so much for the nice things you said about my calendar & blog, Becky!



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