Adios 2010 and my last project of the year.

Framed book pages and our last name.
(I couldn't think of a good title)
It all started out when me and the kiddos were out on a walk and I saw this book on top of a trash can... From trash to my wall. This project was fast and easy

Step 1 find book in the trash!

Step 2 take an old frame that was hanging on the wall for 6 months without anything in it.

Step 3 rip pages out of said book and crumble them up and use double sided tape to adhere to the cardboard backing.
Step 4 I forgot to take a picture of me painting but I printed out our last name and then put it under the glass and then used black acrylic paint to paint over it. Then a took a little piece of denim and stamped the year we got married on to it.
 (This is my tribute to Freckled Laundry one of my bloggy obsessions.)
Here it is all assembled.
And here it is all hung up.
 My hubby had a great idea after it was all finished. 
"Why don't you use the sheet music from the song we danced to at our wedding?"
How sweet is that, and what a great idea!
Adios 2010- I sure had fun this year I can't wait to see what 2011 brings.


  1. What a great project! Have a happy New Year!

  2. He is pretty brilliant about the wedding music. And your frame looks great balancing the photo. If you have a fav project of 2010, love for you to come by and it link up.

  3. HI - thanks for visiting my blog! I love this project - and your hubby is pretty cool too for making that great suggestion!
    Look forward to seeing more of your work nect year!

  4. Hi Becky

    WOW, what an amazing project, I love it!!

    How clever is your husband (not to mention romantic) to think of using the sheet music from your wedding dance.

    Thank you for linking up to Make It Monday this week.

    Michelle :-)

  5. A Fabulous project and so inventive!

  6. Wow, this is so professional, Becky! Love it!

  7. You are so creative!!! A book in the trash brought all this together! I love it!

  8. That is such a fabulous idea! And the sheet music would be beautiful done that way too!
    Our men can come up with some really great, creative ideas sometimes, huh. It comes from hanging out with us though, maybe.:]
    Hugs, Cindy

  9. Hi Becky

    Just leaving you a quick message to let you know that this fabulous framed creation is featured on Make It Monday this week.

    Thanks for linking up.

    Michelle :-)

  10. What a great " green" project and it sits well with your wedding photo .

  11. This is awesome, Becky. You are so stinkin' sweet to add that little piece of denim as a tribute. Aw. This is such a pretty piece of vintage chic art. I love it! Man, I always miss something good when I'm behind on blog hoppin'. Thank you for linking with my party again. I'm sharing this one separately next week. Have to.



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