And The Winner Is.....

(I am still pinching myself)

A few weeks ago I entered about 14 Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Contests and guess what,
 Me the unluckiest person around (when it comes to contests.)
I have been drooling over this paint for months. Every time I see a piece of furniture that I love it was painted with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. I knew that it was way out of my price range with Christmas and a few birthdays coming up, so I entered all of the giveaways! I think it was 2:00 in the morning when I finally finished. It was so worth it. I have so many pieces that I want to paint. 
What a great way to start out the new year!
 God works in mysterious ways! I am on a craft fast, meaning I will be not be starting any new projects until summer so I can focus on being a better wife, mother, and friend. My creations were taking over the house and my relationships in a bad way. I wasn't doing the things I should be doing, like laundry and dishes. So, until I can become a better house keeper and manage my time better the crafts will have to wait. This was a hard choice for me to make, and caused me some tears. But, I know I won because I am following what he wants me to do instead of doing what I want. The paint will keep and knowing that it is sitting there will just make me work harder to do what needs to be done. 
Thank you Lord for all of your blessings and giving me what I need instead of want I want.

Thanks to Rhonda at Restored-Home for holding the contest and picking my name. You can check out her blog here. She has some great pieces of furniture and a lampshade redo that I can't wait to try...
 this summer. So Amazing!


  1. Girl...I completely understand about the crafts taking over! ha ha I have to limit myself or else everything falls apart! But you will be so glad to know that Annie Sloan Paint does even better when it is older at times! (wink) It becomes thicker so when you go to paint and sand it gives more of the antique worn look! See God has all the details covered! And summer will be here in no time. Until then, I pray that time becomes more available to you so when the time comes you can find time for the crafts that doesn't interfere with life.

  2. You are so welcome, Becky! I am thrilled to be able to send you a little box of Heaven......I am sure all of the streets up there are paved in Arles Gold! LOL (((hugs)) Have fun picking your colors! Let me know when you decide and I will ship your prize out asap!
    Don't forget you are now entered into an even BIGGER drawing at Annie Sloan Unfolded.....350 dollars in product OR credit toward the Annie Sloan American Tour! I'm pulling for YOU!

  3. Hi Becky, congratulations on being the winner of the Annie Sloan paint. Like you, I have been dying to try it but don't know where to buy it. Hopefully when we get our Michaels store they will sell it there. Have lots of fun using it in your projects. Thanks for sharing your good news.I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris


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