Saying Goodbye...

Today we said goodbye to a few of our favorite friends...

(Don't you just love the look on the big ones face, priceless!)

It was hard to decide which of our friends would be leaving us, a few tears were shed, but we managed to chose a few. We are getting ready for for the new toys we will be getting for Christmas. I always have a hard time parting with stuff so I am trying to teach my kiddos to not become emotionally attached to things. On the up side all of the "babies" fit in to their bin now, and when I say bin I mean three foot high basket.
We can't wait to see what Santa is bringing this year!!!


  1. did you just throw them away? I need to get rid of some "babies" too but I can't bring myself to just throw them away...

  2. you can put them on freecycle!! Dont toss them!! No no on trash!!

  3. We also have a huge amount of stuffed animals that no one has played with in a long time. I need to do something with them...

    The sad look is priceless. Poor thing!:) Once she sees all those new toys from Santa, all the old ones will be quickly forgotten.

  4. Thanks Summer, I'll try freecylcle...I would hate to throw their babies away!

  5. What a good idea and what a gift it will be helping them not hang on to stuff. I've been working on it myself.

    I am following you back as you left me a comment that made my day and I thank you for that!


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