Five Tips for a Clutter Free Medicine Cabinet

These are fast and easy tips to help you declutter in 15 minutes or less.
1. Throw away anything that is expired.
This is obvious but when I cleaned mine out I had three that had expired. Make sure you properly dispose of expired medicine. Be safe!
2. Keep similar items together.
Hair products are on the top shelf, all of the watches are together and the scissors and clippers are always right where they should be.
3. Put the things you use everyday at eye level.
I love my toothpaste with the flat top it makes it really easy to stand up.
4. Use small containers to coral odd shaped items.
Old jelly jars and tiny buckets are reused for scissors, rubber bands and Q tips. Glass is easy to clean, just put it in the dishwasher.
5. Keep make up in a small make up bag. It makes it really easy to grab and go if you are running late or if you want to do touch ups while you are out.
Next time you have 15 minutes clean out your medicine cabinet because you know that your guests will be checking it out.

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