It's all about the giving: Nativity Peg People

Good things come in small packages.
I think they are so tiny and adorable.
Just look at sweet baby Jesus.
The kids love them and that makes me one happy mama.
I hope our friends will love them as much as we do.

I needed to make at least 16 gifts this year, and this was one of the most inexpensive gifts I have ever made. 
I got my little peg people from
 I think it was about $32. I already had the paint. 
That is $2 a family, thank you very much!
The downside was all of the time it took to paint them. 
There is a reason there are no wise men and no angel. 
I can see why set like this will sell for about $80 on Esty.
I really loved painting these little guys and I can't wait to deliver them to our sweet friends.
It really is better to give than receive!


  1. How cute! There's no way I could paint the little details so well.

  2. What gorgeous little characters - great job and they'll make a wonderful gift!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  3. These are so adorable. I can't get over how cute they are. I loved 'Little People' growing up and these remind me just of them. I would love it if you could link these up to our linky party going on right now.

  4. These are soooo cute! What a great idea. My mom has a nativity collection, but I'm quite sure she doesn't have any like these!

  5. Such a great gift idea. Thanks for the source as well. Handmade always trumps store-bought...

    Sharing this on my pinterest...

    If you have time, please share your homemade nativity @ my Holiday Link.

  6. These are brilliant! I love that they are perfect for little hands AND that they would look lovely at an grown up house too!

  7. I just saw these on Pinterest....and they-are-the-cutest!!!

  8. These are so darling! I love nativities of all kinds, and this one is just too precious!

    Thank you for sharing!

  9. These are SO ADORABLE!!! I need to make a set for my kids next year!

  10. These are adorable! I featured this at Grab my "featured" button.

  11. <3 my girls are LOVING playing with them!!!


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